FixedPrint Properties

Apitron PDF Kit help
Apitron.PDF.Kit library for .NET

The FixedPrint type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCanBeExported
Gets a value indicating whether this instance can be exported.
(Inherited from Resource.)
Public propertyHTranslate
Gets or sets the amount to translate the associated content horizontally, as a percentage of the width of the target media (or if unknown, the width of the page’s MediaBox). 1.0 represents 100% and 0.0 represents 0%. Negative values should not be used, since they may cause content to be drawn off the page. Default value: 0.
Public propertyMatrix
Gets or sets The matrix used to transform the annotation’s rectangle before rendering. Default value: the identity matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0]. When positioning content near the edge of a page, this entry should be used to provide a reasonable offset to allow for nonburnable margins.
Public propertyResourceType
Gets the resource type.
(Inherited from Resource.)
Public propertyVTranslate
Gets or sets the amount to translate the associated content vertically, as a percentage of the height of the target media (or if unknown, the height of the page’s MediaBox). 1.0 represents 100% and 0.0 represents 0%. Negative values should not be used, since they may cause content to be drawn off the page. Default value: 0.
See Also
