SubmitFormFlags Enumeration

Apitron PDF Kit help
Apitron.PDF.Kit library for .NET
Flags for submit-form actions.

Namespace:  Apitron.PDF.Kit.Interactive.Actions
Assembly:  Apitron.PDF.Kit (in Apitron.PDF.Kit.dll) Version: (

public enum SubmitFormFlags

  Member nameValueDescription
Include1 If clear, the Fields array specifies which fields to include in the submission. All descendants of the specified fields in the field hierarchy shall be submitted as well. If set, the Fields array tells which fields to exclude. All fields in the document’s interactive form shall be submitted exceptthose listed in the Fields array and those whose NoExport flag is set and fields with no values if the IncludeNoValueFields flag is clear.
IncludeNoValueFields2 If set, all fields designated by the Fields array and the Include flag shall be submitted, regardless of whether they have a value. For fields without a value, only the field name shall be transmitted. If clear, fields without a value shall not be submitted.
ExportFormat4 Meaningful only if the SubmitPDF and XFDF flags are clear. If set, field names and values shall be submitted in HTML Form format. If clear, they shall be submitted in Forms Data Format (FDF - FormsDataDocument)
GetMethod8 If set, field names and values shall be submitted using an HTTP GET request. If clear, they shall be submitted using a POST request. This flag is meaningful only when the ExportFormat flag is set; if ExportFormat is clear, this flag shall also be clear.
XFDF0 This flag shall be used only if the SubmitPDF flags are clear. If set, field names and values shall be submitted as XFDF.
IncludeAppendSaves64 This flag shall be used only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format (that is, when both the XFDF and ExportFormat flags are clear). If set, the submitted FDF file shall include the contents of all incremental updates to the underlying PDF document, as contained in the Differences entry in the FormsDataDocument. If clear, the incremental updates shall not be included.
IncludeAnnotations128 This field shall be used only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format (that is, when both the XFDF and ExportFormat flags are clear). If set, the submitted FDF file shall include includes all markup annotations in the underlying PDF document. If clear, markup annotations shall not beincluded.
SubmitPDF256 If set, the document shall be submitted as PDF, using the MIME content type application/pdf. If set, all other flags shall be ignored except GetMethod.
CanonicalFormat512 If set, any submitted field values representing dates shall be converted to the standard format. NOTE: The interpretation of a form field as a date is not specified explicitly in the field itself but only in the JavaScript code that processes it.
ExclNonUserAnnots1024 This flag shall be used only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format (that is, when both the XFDF and ExportFormat flags are clear) and the IncludeAnnotations flag is set. If set, it shall include only those markup annotations whose User matches the name of the current user, as determined by the remote server to which the form is being submitted. NOTE The User entry for markup annotations specifies the text label that is displayed in the title bar of the annotation’s pop-up window and is assumed to represent the name of the user authoring the annotation. NOTE This allows multiple users to collaborate in annotating a single remote PDF document without affecting one another’s annotations.
ExclFKey2048 This flag shall be used only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format (that is, when both the XFDF and ExportFormat flags are clear). If set, the submitted FDF shall exclude the [!:FormsDataDocument.File] entry.
EmbedForm8192 This flag shall be used only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format (that is, when both the XFDF and ExportFormat flags are clear). If set, the [!:FormsDataDocument.File] entry of the submitted FDF shall be a file specification containing an embedded file stream representing the PDF file from which the FDF is being submitted.
See Also
