PageInfo Class

Apitron PDF Rasterizer help
Apitron.PDF.Rasterizer library for .NET
This class represents a page info.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Apitron.PDF.Rasterizer
Assembly:  Apitron.PDF.Rasterizer (in Apitron.PDF.Rasterizer.dll) Version: (

public class PageInfo

The PageInfo type exposes the following members.


Public propertyArtBox
A rectangle, expressed in default user space units, that shall define the extent of the page’s meaningful content (including potential white space) as intended by the page’s creator.
Public propertyBleedBox
A rectangle, expressed in default user space units, that shall define the region to which the contents of the page shall be clipped when output in a production environment.
Public propertyCropBox
A rectangle, expressed in default user space units, that shall define the visible region of default user space. When the page is displayed or printed, its contents shall be clipped (cropped) to this rectangle and then shall be imposed on the output medium in some implementation-defined manner.
Public propertyHeight
The height of the rectangle created by intersecting MediaBox and CropBox if it's present and applying Rotate component. It gives you the height of the page's visible area, as it would be displayed into Acrobat Reader.
Protected propertyIsCanceled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is canceled.
Public propertyLinks
Gets the links.
Public propertyMediaBox
A rectangle, expressed in default user space units, that shall define the boundaries of the physical medium on which the page shall be displayed or printed.
Public propertyRotate
The number of degrees by which the page shall be rotated clockwise when displayed or printed. The value shall be a multiple of 90. Default value: 0.
Public propertyTrimBox
A rectangle, expressed in default user space units, that shall define the intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming.
Public propertyWidth
The width of the rectangle created by intersecting MediaBox and CropBox if it's present and applying Rotate component. It gives you the width of the page's visible area, as it would be displayed into Acrobat Reader.
See Also
