ClippedContent Methods

Apitron PDF Kit help
Apitron.PDF.Kit library for .NET

The ClippedContent type exposes the following members.


Public methodCode exampleAppendContent
Appends the content.
Public methodCode exampleAppendContentElement
Appends the content element.
Public methodCode exampleAppendImage(String, Boundary)
Appends an image.
Public methodCode exampleAppendImage(String, Double, Double, Double, Double)
Appends an image.
Public methodCode exampleAppendText
Adds the text object.
Public methodCode exampleAppendXObject(String)
Appends the XObject.
Public methodCode exampleAppendXObject(String, Double, Double)
Appends the XObject using additional parameters.
Public methodCode exampleFillAndStrokePath
Fills and stroke the path using specified filling rule.
Public methodCode exampleFillPath
Fills the path using specified filling rule..
Public methodCode exampleModifyCurrentTransformationMatrix(Double)
Modifies the current transformation matrix.
Public methodCode exampleModifyCurrentTransformationMatrix(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
Modifies the current transformation matrix.
Public methodPaintShading
Paint the shape and colour shading described by a shading, subject to the current clipping path (or intersection with the path specified). The current colour in the graphics state is neither used nor altered. The effect is different from that of painting a path using a shading pattern as the current colour.
Public methodCode exampleRestoreGraphicsState
Restores the state of the graphics.
Public methodCode exampleSaveGraphicsState
Saves the current graphics state.
Public methodSetDeviceNonStrokingColor(Double)
Sets the device color as a current non stroking color. The number of array elements determines the colour space in which the colour shall be defined: 1 DeviceGray 3 DeviceRGB 4 DeviceCMYK
Public methodSetDeviceNonStrokingColor(Color)
Sets the device color as a current non stroking color.
Public methodSetDeviceStrokingColor(Double)
Sets the device color as a current stroking color. The number of array elements determines the colour space in which the colour shall be defined: 1 DeviceGray 3 DeviceRGB 4 DeviceCMYK
Public methodSetDeviceStrokingColor(Color)
Sets the device color as a current stroking color.
Public methodSetGraphicsState
Sets the graphics state with special parameters.
Public methodCode exampleSetLineCapStyle
Sets the line cap style.
Public methodCode exampleSetLineDashPattern(Int32, Int32)
Sets the line dash pattern.
Public methodCode exampleSetLineDashPattern(Single, Single)
Sets the line dash pattern.
Public methodCode exampleSetLineJoinStyle
Sets the line join style.
Public methodCode exampleSetLineWidth
Sets the current line width.
Public methodCode exampleSetMitterLimit
Sets the mitter limit.
Public methodCode exampleSetNonStrokingColor(Double)
Sets the current color for the non stroking operations.
Public methodSetNonStrokingColor(Color)
Sets the current color for the non stroking operations.
Public methodCode exampleSetNonStrokingColor(String, Double)
Sets the current color for the non stroking operations.
Public methodCode exampleSetNonStrokingColorSpace
Sets the non strking color space.
Public methodSetRotation
Sets the current transformation matrix using alpha. Equivalent of call ModifyCurrentTransformationMatrix(Math.Cos(alpha), Math.Sin(alpha), -Math.Sin(alpha), Math.Cos(alpha), 0, 0)
Public methodSetScale
Sets the current transformation matrix. Equivalent of call ModifyCurrentTransformationMatrix(xScale, 0, 0, yScale, 0, 0)
Public methodSetSkew
Sets the current strnsformation matrix using xAngle and yAngle. Equivalent of call ModifyCurrentTransformationMatrix(1, Math.Tan(xAlpha), Math.Tan(yAlpha), 1, 0, 0)
Public methodCode exampleSetStrokingColor(Double)
Sets the current color for the stroking operations.
Public methodSetStrokingColor(Color)
Sets the current color for the stroking operations.
Public methodCode exampleSetStrokingColor(String, Double)
Sets the current color for the stroking operations.
Public methodCode exampleSetStrokingColorSpace
Sets the stroking color space.
Public methodSetTranslation
Sets the current transformation matrix. Equivalent of call ModifyCurrentTransformationMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, xOffset, yOffset)
Public methodCode exampleStrokePath
Strokes the path.
See Also
