AnnotationAdditionalActions Properties

Apitron PDF Kit help
Apitron.PDF.Kit library for .NET

The AnnotationAdditionalActions type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCanBeExported
Gets a value indicating whether this instance can be exported.
(Inherited from Resource.)
Public propertyHasActions
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has actions.
Public propertyOnCursorEnter
Gets or sets an action that shall be performed when the cursor enters the annotation’s active area.
Public propertyOnCursorExits
Gets or sets an action that shall be performed when the cursor exits the annotation’s active area.
Public propertyOnFocus
Gets or sets An action that shall be performed when the annotation receives the input focus.
Public propertyOnLostFocus
Gets or sets an action that shall be performed when the annotation loses the input focus.
Public propertyOnMouseButtonReleased
Gets or sets an action that shall be performed when the mouse button is released inside the annotation’s active area.
Public propertyOnMousedButtonPressed
Gets or sets n action that shall be performed when the mouse button is pressed inside the annotation’s active area.
Public propertyOnPageClosed
Gets or sets an action that shall be performed when the page containing the annotation is closed.
Public propertyOnPageInvisible
Gets or sets an action that shall be performed when the page containing the annotation is no longer visible in the conforming reader’s user interface.
Public propertyOnPageOpened
Gets or sets an action that shall be performed when the page containing the annotation is opened.
Public propertyOnPageVisible
Gets or sets an action that shall be performed when the page containing the annotation becomes visible.
Public propertyResourceType
Gets the resource type.
(Inherited from Resource.)
See Also
