Pkcs1Signature Properties

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The Pkcs1Signature type exposes the following members.


Public propertyDistinguishedName
The subject Distinguished Name (DN) that shall be present within the certificate for it to be acceptable for signing, described in RFC 3280.
(Inherited from Signature.)
Public propertyName
The subject name in the signing certificate (the element "CN")
(Inherited from Signature.)
Public propertySignDate
The time of signing. Depending on the signature handler, this may be a normal unverified computer time or a time generated in a verifiable way from a secure time server. This value should be used only when the time of signing is not available in the signature.
(Inherited from Signature.)
Public propertySoftwareModuleName
Gets or sets the name of the software module used to create the signature. Has meaning only for Pkcs7DetachedSignature.
(Inherited from SignatureHandler.)
Public propertyTimeStampingAuthority
Gets the time stamping authority.
(Inherited from SignatureHandler.)
See Also
