AnnotationReplyType Enumeration

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Apitron.PDF.Kit library for .NET
In PDF 1.6, a set of annotations may be grouped so that they function as a single unit when a user interacts with them. The group consists of a primary annotation, which shall not have an ReplyTo entry, and one or more subordinate annotations, which shall have an ReplyTo entry that refers to the primary annotation and an ReplyTo entry whose value is Group.

Namespace:  Apitron.PDF.Kit.Interactive.Annotations
Assembly:  Apitron.PDF.Kit (in Apitron.PDF.Kit.dll) Version: (

public enum AnnotationReplyType

  Member nameValueDescription
Single0 The annotation shall be considered a reply to the annotation specified by ReplyTo. Conforming readers shall not display replies to an annotation individually but together in the form of threaded comments.
Group1 The annotation shall be grouped with the annotation specified by ReplyTo.
See Also
