FontStretch Enumeration

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Apitron.PDF.Kit library for .NET
This enum represents a list of allowed font stretches.

Namespace:  Apitron.PDF.Kit.Interactive.Annotations.RichText
Assembly:  Apitron.PDF.Kit (in Apitron.PDF.Kit.dll) Version: (

public enum FontStretch

  Member nameValueDescription
None0 None.
UltraCondensed1 The enclosed text should be Ultra Condensed.
ExtraCondensed2 The enclosed text should be Extra Condensed.
Condensed3 The enclosed text should be Condensed.
SemiCondensed4 The enclosed text should be Semi Condensed.
Normal5 The enclosed text should be Normal.
SemiExpanded6 The enclosed text should be Semi Expanded.
Expanded7 The enclosed text should be Expanded.
ExtraExpanded8 The enclosed text should be Extra Expanded.
UltraExpanded9 The enclosed text should be Ultra Expanded.
See Also
