RenderingSettings Properties

Apitron PDF Rasterizer help
Apitron.PDF.Rasterizer library for .NET

The RenderingSettings type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAnnotationRenderingSettings
Gets or sets the annotation rendering settings.
Public propertyBackgroundColor
Gets or sets the color of the background, ARGB value. Only color channels values are used, alpha will be ignored.
Public propertyDrawAnotations
Gets or sets a value indicating whether annotation objects should be drawn.
Public propertyDrawImages
Gets or sets a value indicating whether images should be drawn.
Public propertyDrawPaths
Gets or sets a value indicating whether draw document paths.
Public propertyDrawText
Gets or sets a value indicating whether draw document text.
Public propertyImageResamplingFilter
Gets or sets the image resampler filter.
Public propertyPrinterMode
Gets or sets a value indicating whether document should be processed as it'd be printed. Mostly affects annotation objects that have the setting allowing them to be printed or not.
Public propertyRenderMode
Gets or sets the rendering mode.
Public propertyRotationAngle
Gets or sets the rotation angle used, if it's not Rotate0 then additional page rotation will be perfomed(remember that page can have it's own Rotate property).
Public propertyScaleMode
Gets or sets the scale mode used.
Public propertyUseEmbededICCProfiles
Gets or sets a value indicating whether use embeded ICC profiles during document processing.
See Also
